Anthology . solo show . 2020
8/3 - 30/6 2020
solo show
Walgenbach art&books, Rotterdam (NL)
Wall installation in the frame of the launch of the monograph Maria Ikonomopoulou . Anthology
Kees Weeda opening speech (NL) & more photo's
The wall installation that gives a insight in the making proces of a book is made in collaboration
with Angeliki Diakrousi
Maria Ikonomopoulou . Anthology
ISBN : 9789090324432
soft cover | 240 pages | 27 x 21 cm
text EN | NL | GR
€ 35,- | special edition € 120,-
Order this book by using the form below.
A publication (2020) with images from 25 years of art. It provides an overview of themes and underlying connections from my artistic practice: the choice for time-consuming techniques, the urge to recover, the attention for caring, the love for language and etymology, and the attempt to transform world news into images a.o.
Texts: Yannis Constantinidis, Landa van Vliet, Gelly Gryntaki, Luk Lambrecht, Jos Ruijs, Ove Lucas, Wim Oudshoorn, Lidwien Nielander, Kees Weeda.
Wonderful Trap . 2020
print on biotop paper (250 gr), aluminium marker,
25 x 19 cm
multiple included in the special edition of the monograph (100)