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Maria Ikonomopoulou . Anthology
ISBN : 9789090324432
soft cover | 240 pages | 27 x 21 cm
text EN | NL | GR
€ 35,- | special edition € 120,-
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A publication (2020) with images from 25 years of art. It provides an overview of themes and underlying connections from my artistic practice: the choice for time-consuming techniques, the urge to recover, the attention for caring, the love for language and etymology, and the attempt to transform world news into images a.o.
Texts: Yannis Constantinidis, Landa van Vliet, Gelly Gryntaki, Luk Lambrecht, Jos Ruijs, Ove Lucas, Wim Oudshoorn, Lidwien Nielander, Kees Weeda.

ISBN 9789083208503
soft cover | 56 pages | 27 x 21 cm
text EN | NL | GR
€ 15,-
Order this book by using the form below.

For 50 years I have been coming to a small mountain village in summer where my paternal grandmother was born. The village, formerly called Chalvátsou and now Kefalóvryso, is situated in the Peloponnese, 43 kilometres northwest of Kalamata in the province of Messinia. After the Civil War (1946-1949) many villagers moved to the big Greek cities, and to Germany, Australia, Canada and America, in search of work. According to the latest figures, the current population is 98, most of whom are over 60 years of age. In that small village, I spent my summers with my grandmother in the 1960s, and the impressions of that time have shaped my attitude to life and my work. I consider it a great privilege to have had a glimpse of the everyday life of small subsistence farmers, including all the advantages and disadvantages of such an existence. The more recent developments in the village, which I have observed as an adult since 1998, I find just as fascinating, and give me food for thought.
This publication, in which I tell the story of the village based on my memories and observations, is part of the work Alteration and a tribute to the place that has shaped me most.

ISBN : 9789083365855
Edited by : Stijn Kemper
Contributions : Rabiaâ Benlahbib, Maria Ikonomopoulou
Photography : Joop Reijngoud
Publisher : Verhalenhuis Belvédère
paperback | 38 pages | 29 x 21 cm
text : EN | NL | GR
€ 20,-

The booklet is an impression in image and text of my residency at the Elenbaas House Museum in 2022 with a wonderful text by Rabiaâ Benlahbib and images by Joop Reijngoud.
A unique special edition with an embroidery pattern based on the initials M(aria) and W(ally) is now in the collection of the Verhalenhuis Belvédère in Rotterdam.
The standard edition is available at Walgenbach Art&Books and to order by using the form below.