OMG . Trapped . Geotherapy . Para-Planet
OMG 2 . 2024
world globe, leukopor tape, permanent marker, newspapers, archival varnish with UV protection. 40 x 13 x 13 cm
©photo: Hans Wilschut
OMG 1-2-3 . 2024
world globe, leukopor tape, permanent marker, newspapers, archival varnish with UV protection
©photo: Hans Wilschut
Eyecatchers . 2022
world globes (2), permanent marker, leukopor tape, newspapers, wax
40 x 60 x 60 cm .
©photo: Hans Wilschut
private collection (BE)
Trapped . 2020
world globe lamp, marker, Japanese acid-free paper, cutout newspapers, wax . 40 x 30 x 30 cm . ©photo:Hans Wilschut
private collection (BE)
Geotherapy . detail
Geotherapy . 2022
world globe lamp, leukopor tape, copper tape, cutout newspapers, cutout print, aluminium paint, permanent marker, globe stress balls, elastic tape .
40 x 30 x 30 cm © photo : Hans Wilschut
private collection (GR)
Para-Planet . 2019
world globe lamp, Japanese acid-free paper, cutout newspapers, wax, charcoal, copper tape .
40 x 30 x 30 cm
©photo: Hans Wilshcut
private collection (BE)